Humen being Vs Human doing

Dan Khan
2 min readJun 5, 2022


Far too many of us have swallowed the notion that business owners have to be a certain way to be successful…

Strategy-obsessed, data-driven, and relentlessly aggressive.

“Gurus” telling to “Crush it! “10X It!” or “Unf**k it!”

It’s time to connect, not crush.

Stop doing for the sake of doing

Stop hustling…

And just “be”

You are not a human doing you’re human being so just “be”

Leonidas from the movie “300” signed up for a hustle, grind, and 10x program

Where he 10xd too hard that he lost his entire army and his own life in a battle

Be like the Neo in “The Matrix” Who commands the entire physical universe to make things happen!

and this reminds me of a quote from Lao Tzu “To the mind that is still the whole universe surrenders”

Now don’t get me wrong…

I’m not saying you to sit all day on a couch and hope for the best

But don’t be in the “doing mode”, where you’re running around unconsciously “trying to get stuff done”

…and unconsciousness is what makes us feel more separate from everything

Be in the present moment — you will start getting the ‘waves of knowingness’ from the future and that will guide you to your greatness

As David Foster Wallace wrote The alternative is unconsciousness, the default-setting, the “rat race” — the constant gnawing sense of having had and lost some infinite thing.”

So take only aligned action (consciously)

Align yourself with the higher emotions first then take action

Don’t take action out of fear, scarcity

When you take action out of fear or scarcity, you are literally broadcasting a signal of fear and scarcity…

hence getting you nowhere or attracting more of which aligns with those lower-level emotions

Now I may sound like a wo-wo to ya, but modern physicists have proved that each and every thought and emotion we project carries an electromagnetic signature

Now you get my point

and life has a flow — the right answers and circumstances will flow towards you, when you’re more present in the here and now

When you’re not ruminating about the past or terrified by future

I will leave you with one of my fav quotes

“Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.” ― Lao Tzu

You got this, my friend





Dan Khan

Helping Online Coaches to build Predictable, Scalable and Sustainable Coaching Businesses